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Christchurch shooting: What does a high terror alert level mean?

Christchurch shooting: What does a high terror alert level mean?

Terrorism security expert Chris Kumeroa says ascertaining a terror alert level is a mutli-agency collaboration (file photo).

The increase of the terror alert level to high following the Christchurch terror attacks will have little to no impact on Kiwis living outside Christchurch if overseas experiences are anything to go by. 

The Terror Alert Level is monitored by National Security, a multi agency group governed by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern shifted the terror alert level to high on Friday, which saw immediate security measures implemented across the country, after receiving high level security briefings with her top officials across police and intelligence agencies. 

Australian Brenton Tarrant, 28, was charged with one count of murder in the Christchurch District Court on Saturday.  

Following the shooting, police presence at mosques across the country was elevated as well as security at aviation and border control measures put in place. On Friday all regional flights out of Christchurch were grounded as they did not have security screening.  

Police officers search the area near the Masjid Al Noor mosque, site of one of the mass shootings at two mosques in Christchurch. (AP Photo/Mark Baker)

Terrorism security expert Chris Kumeroa said the initial impact of being on a high level terrorism alert was felt immediately by those living in the vicinity of the attack with the saturation of security forces in the area. 

Kumeroa said his experience in terror alert levels off-shore was dealt with in five stages which range from alert level zero to five. 

New Zealand has four stages, the current alert level is the highest. 

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern moved the public terror alert system to high after the Christchurch terror attacks – this is the first time in history it has been moved to this position (file photo).

In his experience, offshore, ascertaining a current alert level is complex and involves multiple agencies.  

“[Overseas] We normally measure those stages across three components,” he said. 

“First one is political so we need to get context of the politics – the ruling party and the opposition and where tensions might lie as a result. 

“Second – is the economics, how much tax do people pay, because that will then provide support for the agencies. Provides operating budgets for intelligence, police, defence and state security forces.

“Third is the security operating environment – what is happening within a geographical boundary and that can be at a country level, regional level, local level and then site level.”

Kumeroa said when planning around security that it is viewed at in three layers which include, armed conflict, civil unrest and criminality.

Another term common within global security professionals is smouldering crisis which means a build up of information like incidences and communications which allows those assessors to elevate the risk and manage it accordingly because the situation can be monitored – they can see it coming. 

“The other is what they call an immediate crisis ‘smouldering crisis’ – a good example is the earthquakes, no warning immediate onset. This relates to the incident on Friday. Nobody saw this attack on the horizon which meant he was able to conduct the attack undetected.

“The [fifth] alert state is what they call extreme which is multi-catastrophic – full evacuation phase is to occur.”

Once an alert has been set a number of state actions generally occur. 

“For example the police will do certain things which the public have seen already,” Kumeroa said. 

“The mosques, police will be on the ground and act as a deterrent. intelligence agencies and police will then start investigating the background of the suspect’s identity, who he is, any connections to a wider terrorist network and there will be actions they will take as a result. 

“It permeates all the way across the agencies and across to the public and you’ve seen, as a result, that events are cancelled because the potential threat could still exist and it is also seen as a mark of respect for those that have lost their lives. 

“You will see a visible increase in general security.” 

Kumeroa said the main objective of increasing security levels was safety first, and once the threat has been reduced down to acceptable levels of control, citizens should feel confident to return to their normal state of living, however long that may take.