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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

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Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
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A snapshot of New Zealander’s security – SITREP

Jackson Calder - AM Show GRC SITREP Interview

We’re pleased to share the full AM Show interview with our Analyst Jackson Calder. 

He covered some of the overarching, regional-level trends in crime statistics that we discovered in our Secintel SITREP Annual Summary.

Thank you to Newshub and the AM Show for having us.

While crime, cyber, and incivility are the focus points of our SITREPs, GRC Group is also available for media commentary on topics covering our wider risk management and security/threat assessment portfolio including climate change, emerging critical technology, violent extremism, health, disaster response/crisis management, foreign interference, and more.

Our latest Secintel SITREP has just been released. We continue our expanded Incivility tracking section with new analysis of disruptive ideological activity, in addition to detailed regional snapshots of violent crime, other crime, and cyber incidents.

Discover the insights in the SITREP, providing regional snapshots of violent crime, other crime, cyber incidents and an incivility section highlighting the Parliament Protest.